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President's Message

Jackie Portman | Published on 11/2/2021
Dear members,
Welcome to November, a time of thanks and also change for our club. We are about to embark on a new way of “doing business,” as we amend our bylaws to hopefully encourage more members to share their talents at the decision-making level of the club. Here are the highlights of the changes in the bylaws, which are our rules for governing the club:

A. It seems the job of President was very daunting for members to take on. The Board (soon to be “Council”) decided to split up the jobs of the President, so that each role would have fewer responsibilities and take up less time. We know so many of you are busy, busy, busy! The 3 jobs are proposed to be:
1. Council Chairperson – this person communicates with the head organization, FFI, and brings that information to the Council. They also lead the Council meetings.
2. Journey Chairperson – there is always communication necessary in setting up journeys with another club and with FFI before the journey has a Journey Coordinator. This person focuses only on the journeys and assists the Journey Coordinators.
3. General Meeting Chairperson – you will see this person a lot! This person will run our general meetings and be in charge of the committees that find the speakers, hospitality, and events like our upcoming luncheons.

B. We will be a Council of 10, and people who are elected to the Council will receive training on how to be a Chairperson for 1 year out of their 3.

C. The membership will nominate people who they think would be good Council Members. Maybe you see a new member who has a great outgoing personality or one who is very organized. You can nominate that person to the Council. Maybe a long-time member needs a little push to stay involved and is a wonderful party planner. They might be perfect for a Council position. When they have the support of the membership behind them, it’s easier to participate.

You will receive both a copy of the amended bylaws as an attachment and a shorter Power Point. The membership will vote on these bylaws at our yearly meeting, the Installation, on November 13.  

And as to the “thanks” part of November, thank you to ALL who keep working to make our organization as caring and vibrant as it is!

In friendship, Jackie