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• What is “Friendship Force International"?
Answer: FFI is a worldwide network of clubs that bridge the barriers separating people in order to promote global understanding. We do this by connecting people from different countries and cultures at a personal level. When local hosts open their homes to visitors from other lands, true understanding develops through the sharing of meals, conversation and daily routines. Visit the Friendship Force International website.
• When do you meet?
Answer: The San Diego club usually gathers for a general meeting (and a travel-related program) on the 3rd Saturday of every month  at 1:30 PM (except July & August and during months of Inbound Journeys).
• Where do you meet?
Answer: We usually meet at the Joyce Beers Community Center in Hillcrest. It is part of the Uptown District Shopping Center (Ralphs & Trader Joe's) near 163 in San Diego, 92103. It is just north of University Avenue on Vermont Street next to the Aladdin Café (1220 Cleveland Avenue).  Due to the popular markets across the street parking is very "competitive" so allow extra time.
• How many members does the San Diego Club have?
Answer: Our normal membership is between 50-60 people, which includes singles and couples.
• What is involved in becoming a member of The Friendship Force?
Answer: Join the Friendship Force If you believe in the goals and mission of the organization; you like the challenge and excitement of new people, places and experiences; you believe that friendship among people of different countries and cultures can make the world more peaceful; and you have a curiosity about the world and enjoy learning about other cultures and ways of life on exchange activities. Contact the membership Chair or complete the Membership Application.

 • What is Friendship Force San Diego's COVID policy?
Currently, our club requires that all members who travel or host must be vaccinated.  Also, visitors from other countries or states must be vaccinated.

• What do you mean by the term “Journey?”
Answer: A “Journey” (formerly called "exchanges") is a visit to or from a club in another part of the world or another state. This involves home hospitality, the heart of a Friendship Force journey, which provides the opportunity for people of different countries and cultures to connect at a personal level. We refer to it as an “Outbound Journey” when we visit another club. Often an optional tour of the area follows a journey. An “Inbound Journey” occurs when a club visits us. We usually have two outbound (international and domestic) and two inbound Journeys (international and domestic) per year that are arranged by our international organization.


• What if I am not able to go or don’t care to go to the Outbound Journey you have scheduled? Are there other ways for me to travel with the organization?
 There are a number of other ways to travel. You may travel with another club from this country if they have room for you.  Click here to find a list of Worldwide JourneysThere are also individual journeys where you may stay with a member in another state or country. Click here to see a list of Individual Journeys. Regional and International Conferences are held each year.

• Am I required to host or go on Outbound Journeys if I am a member?
There is no requirement by our club for members to host visitors or go on Outbound Journeys. We hope though, that those joining would want to actively participate in those events, as they are how we can best learn about people in other cultures. If you cannot host or travel, you can still day host or participate with our club members in other activities. Check out our Events Calendar.

• Do you travel as a group?

Answer: Yes and no; the group usually consists of 15 to 20 individuals, known as “Ambassadors.” Travel arrangements vary from departing the local airport as a group to some, or, all, of the individuals making their own travel arrangements and meeting at the airport in order to depart the U.S. together, or meeting in a specific location in the host city at a definite time. The latter provides the most flexibility, and a less expensive way, but group travel can contribute to a more rewarding experience. The method of travel is a decision made by the Journey Coordinator.


• What is an “Journey Coordinator?”
Answer: A Journey Coordinator (JC) is an individual who has applied and been approved by the Leadership Council to plan, organize, and lead an outbound or inbound journey. This job is open to anyone who has the desired leadership qualities and can make the commitment of time needed for recruiting Ambassadors or in the case of Inbound journeys of planning the home-stays and activities in San Diego - both require a 9 to 12 month lead-time. Our club has some great experienced journey coordinators who are more than willing to mentor a first time JC.


• How do you find out what is happening in the club?
 You will receive a membership packet, and then periodic newsletters and frequent bulletins by e-mail about activities, new members, and journeys. Attend one of our monthly meetings or check out the "News Articles" and "Event Calendar" tabs on our website for our club's latest information. 


• I don’t see myself traveling in the next year or so, should I still join?
 Certainly, Friendship Force is not just a travel club; there are many other aspects of involvement. The mission of Friendship Force is building global goodwill through personal friendships. This can be accomplished in other ways. You might consider being a home host, a day host, a small group Friendship Dinner host, or someone who attends social activities to build friendships with individuals who have an interest in the goals of Friendship Force International.

• What are the types of hosts?
: There are home hosts, day hosts, and dinner hosts.

• What do you mean by the term “home host?” 
Answer: Home hosts agree to share their home for five to seven days and nights with a Friendship Force member(s) from another country or state. Learn about another culture without leaving home. The host will have the opportunity to participate in a number of group/club outings so the host won’t have to plan everything for their guests. The cost of events, admissions and outside meals for group activities is paid for in advance by ambassadors. But just as you would entertain a friend in your home, hosts do not receive compensation for meals at home, transportation in the host's car, and their own activity/tour costs.

 • How are single travelers and hosts matched?

Answer: While couples will normally be matched with another couple, singles possibly will be hosted by a couple or a single. There are exceptions, but it is your decision. Frequently, the number of bedrooms and type of bed(s) available play a part in matching hosts and ambassadors. Often, guests are matched by common interests and occupations. Also, traveling as a single is easier when you are with a group and a family; you are not alone.


• Will I have the opportunity to communicate with my host or guest prior to his/her arrival?
 Usually that is the case. Nearly all Friendship Force members around the world now have email addresses. Important: As soon as possible, contact your host/ambassador by e-mail, letter, or phone. For many, friendships, communications, and private visits continue for years and even a lifetime.

• What do you mean by the term "day host?” 
 A day host is someone who wants to participate in the journey, but, for whatever reason, is unable to home host.  This individual volunteers to escort an ambassador for one or more days to a scheduled activity or, if it is a day when no group activity is planned, decides how and where to spend the day with the ambassador. 
• What would be expected of me if I volunteer to be a “Friendship Dinner" host?

Answer: "Friendship Dinners" are usually held in member homes who are not hosting an Ambassador. Dinners are usually for 6-12 people including the home-stay hosts, their Ambassadors, and other San Diego Club members. You decide how many guests, in addition to the number in your family, you feel comfortable having for dinner on an evening specified by the Journey Committee. The menu is your choice and generally you provide the main course and arrange for your invited guests to bring a salad, dessert, appetizer, or wine. It is entirely up to you. The evening is for you to plan whether you play a game or just visit. The whole idea is to share the culture of your guest and give them the opportunity to visit another home and meet others. When space allows, members, new and potential new members are included as guests. Of course, the guest’s host family accompanies them to your dinner.  Sharing fun, laughter, and conversation are the goals for the evening.


• Do you visit clubs in the United States?
 Yes, there are over 100 clubs in the United States and clubs can arrange what are called “Domestic Journeys” where there is a mutual interest in such a visit.


• What types of social activities does the club have?
 The club normally meets once a month all year round. Exceptions are when we are hosting an incoming club; then the social events associated with that journey are our meeting for the month. Meetings feature speakers or activities. (Sometimes we need reservations so check in advance.) Topics include places we are visiting or hosting, world events, cultures of other countries and topics of interest to those who enjoy international culture, travel and friendship. During the year we typically have a picnic, lunch or dinner at a local ethnic restaurant, small group dinners in homes, and a holiday party. Other events may be planned as well. We hold business meetings every month (except July & August and during months of Inbound Journeys).


• What should I expect financially when I go on an Outbound Journey? 
 On an outbound journey, we pay for our own transportation to and from the host city and a fee ($25 per night per person) to Friendship Force International for the journey; also there is a host fee to be determined by the two clubs which is paid to the hosting club for the group meals, activities, local transportation. In addition, Ambassadors usually bring a gift for their host family and treat them to lunch or dinner once during the their home-stay. If there is an add-on tour following the exchange, you would pay the cost of the transportation, tour, lodging, and meals if you choose to go. Members are expected to return the favor and participate during Inbound Journeys by home-hosting, day-hosting, Friendship Dinner hosting, and generally helping arrange and participate in the group activities and meals.


• How much are membership dues?
 Dues are for the calendar year. Currently our club dues are $50/yr per member.  For additional information, contact a council member or our membership chairperson. In addition, Friendship Force clubs are organized and lead entirely by volunteer members. All members are expected to participate in some way. Members are encouraged to participate in the club's committees. 

* What are the Committees?
Answer: Journeys, Membership, Hospitality, Newsletter, Merchandise, Finance, Sunshine, Communications, as well as elected Leadership Council Members.