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From Jackie - October 2021

Bob Traber | Published on 10/2/2021
Happy Fall, ya’ll!

We are rounding the corner on this year toward a hopefully Covid-free (or -minimized) 2022! Let’s hope so, because we have a year full of inbound and outbound journeys! New to our list of journeys is a probable 3-night inbound journey from Sacramento in late February. Its arrangements are in progress, and we should have more information by our October General Meeting on October 16.

In the September newsletter I was very business-y about the state of the leadership of our club. I am happy to report several new developments, but first, I’d like to announce the slate of candidates for the 2022 Board of Directors: Peggy Miller, Lauren Beaudry, Colette DeLong and Nancy Walsh. Peggy, Lauren, and Colette have agreed to accept the Director positions, and Nancy has agreed to continue as Treasurer. Many thanks to these members for their generosity of their time and skills!

You may have noticed that there were no volunteers for the Board opening of President. The Board realizes that this position requires a lot of time and responsibility, therefore it was discussed and approved that this job would be divided into three positions: one would be the liaison between FFI and our Club and would run the Board meetings, another would be the leader of all the journeys, and the third would take over the General Meeting responsibilities. In addition, the Board agreed to change the name “Board of Directors” to “Leadership Council.” We hope the new title will reflect the shared responsibility of all the members of the Council. The details of these changes and more are being worked out now and I’ll give you more information as our Board rewrites our by-laws to this effect and votes on them. You will vote to approve or accept these changes to the Board as soon as they are available.

Thank you for your patience as we, the Board, strive to create a leadership structure that more members would like to be a part of. Hope to see you all at the October 16th General Meeting at Joyce Beers Community Center!
