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President's Message for April

Published on 4/1/2018
We had a marvelous visit in March from FFI’s CEO Jeremi Snook who flew to San Diego from Atlanta on Monday, March 5th. Bob Stafford and I picked him up at the airport and brought him to my home where he joined us for our afternoon board meeting. That evening Nancy and Roger Walsh hosted an open house for all to meet him.

I am so impressed with the team work I have observed in our San Diego Friendship Club this year. Our Flathead Valley team did wonderful work. The ambassadors’ evaluations of activities and events are in and tallied. Eighty percent were very satisfied; eighteen percent said somewhat satisfied; and just two percent not satisfied. (Wish the Padres would be half that good!) What was best liked was our weather (were we not lucky?). What surprised them the most was the big city life and the “lane splitting” motorcycle behavior on roads.

All of us fit into different niches with our different skills. Thank you, Mary Prokop, for stepping up to the plate in the first quarter of this year. In January, Mary helped with the merchandise. In February, she found and arranged the dinner hosts for the Flathead Valley’s Journey. In March, Mary took the minutes for our board meeting. When Judy Anderson and Pat Rudner were unable to be our hostess at our General Meeting, Mary filled in again.

We still have two positions to fill for this year. Now who will step up to the plate for the Merchandise and President Elect positions? Please let Carol Babbitt or me know soon if you are able to help with these. We would like to fill officially these positions at our next board meeting on April 9th at one o’clock at Pat Rudner’s home in Santee.

For our General Meeting on Saturday, April 21st our, program chair Brenda Pearson has scheduled a power point presentation by Jack Innis about the fascinating Legends of San Diego. Members whose last name begin with letters from A to N are to bring our appetizers. The winners at our March meeting were Aura Webber with her Brazilian chocolate dessert, (Brigaderos) and Maggie Merrill with her savory tomato and basil kabobs on little bamboo skewers which is a Caprese salad from the Ilse of Capri. All of you who come early and stay late to set up and tear down our tables and chairs are appreciated greatly. Thank you!

There will be no Board Meeting or General Meeting in May as some of us will be at the Western Regional Super Conference in Sacramento. Everyone is invited and it is not too late to sign up. Then our San Diego Club is hosting one of the post mini conferences. Thanks again to our “hostest with the mostest”, Nancy Walsh. Roger and Nancy need help with the day hosting. Also, there is our club’s journey to Moscow the last of May led by Michael Boyko.

We have a full schedule for the rest of the year. Let us knock it out of the park!

In Friendship and Gratitude,        
Sandra Williams,